Translation (obverse) ‘Umar, the Sultan, al-Malik al-Muẓaffar Shams al-Dīn Yūsuf b. the King al-Manṣūr |
Secondary inscription (obverse) الامام المستعسم بالله امير المؤمنين بزبيد تعز سنة ثمان و خمسين و ستمائة |
Translation (obverse) the Īmām al-Musta‘ṣim billāh, the commander of the believers, in Zabīd (in) the year 658 |
Script (obverse) Arabic |
Translation (reverse) in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, there is no god but God, Muḥammad is the messenger of God, he sent him with guidance and the true religion |
Secondary inscription (reverse) ليظهره على الدين كله الائمة وَضي الله عنهم ابو بكر عمر عثمان علي |
Translation (reverse) To proclaim it over all religion, the Īmāms, may God be pleased with them, Abū Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān, ‘Alī |
Script (reverse) Arabic |